I composed some reflective poems and wrote them in my signature cursive style on long scrolls. Here are the results. Enjoy! When you are calm, your state of mind will be like the surface of a lake on a windless night, so still you can see the moon's reflection. If you have a clear mind, you will feel like the clear blue sky where you can see for miles, with no wind and no clouds to distract you. 心清水現月意定天無雲 The sound of rustling wind, the sound of dripping rain, the sound of waves crashing on the rocks - they are all nature's own music. If you take the time to listen carefully, the wonders of nature's music will free your mind. 風聲,雨聲,波濤聲,乃天籟之音,如聆聽仙樂妙韻,令人心神俱醉也。 Praises or insults - they don't affect me. I just watch the flowers in my garden bloom and wither, and I feel at peace with myself. Whether I come or go, it doesn't matter at all to me, my heart is happy to go with the flow like the clouds in the sky. 寵辱不驚,閒看庭前花開花落。去留無意,漫隨天外雲捲雲舒。 I'm standing alone in an abandoned pagola, I'm staring at the sunset in the distance, feeling lonely and sorrowful, lamenting the passing away of my old friends. 長亭外,古道邊,芳草碧連天,晚風拂,柳笛聲殘,夕陽山外山。天之涯,地之角,知交半零落,一斛濁酒盡歡餘,今宵別夢寒。 (弘一法師詞) Only those people with some leisure time and a quiet mind can truly appreciate the wonders of nature. 風月木石之真趣,惟靜與閒者得之。 風花之瀟灑,雲月之空清,唯靜者為之主。水木之榮枯,竹石之消長,獨閒者操其權。 When you are truly happy, you can wander barefooted on the grass with chirping birds as your company, or you can quietly sit down with your shirt unbuttoned, watching the clouds floating by, feeling at one with the nature. 人我合一之時,則雲留鳥伴。 興逐時來,芳草中,撤履閒行,野鳥忘機時作伴。景與心會,落花下披襟兀坐,白雲無語漫相留。 Every problem can be solved, every difficulty can be overcome - so no need to worry.
I painted two Chinese silk fans this morning. Each has a painting on one side and accompnaied by a poem on the other side. For the first fan, I have painted a pair of peonies. Their petals are cloud like, and their colour and scent remind one of a maiden. The second fan is a painting of roses. Unlike some other flowers such as peonies and chryanthemum, roses blossom, and hence can be appreciated, all year round. |